_3Does This Sound Familiar?

Physical, emotional, and mental EXHAUSTION!

Feeling disconnected from the people and things that used to bring life meaning.

Feeling intense negative feelings like anger, sadness, anxiety (or maybe all three) with little or no provocation. Or feeling completely numb.

Difficulty concentrating. Ordinary decisions seem too hard or not worth the effort.

Suffering! But without the motivation to change, and often a belief that things can’t change.

That’s what burnout feels like.

It’s horrible!

I know, because I’ve been there.

Often, we think of burnout as being related to work, however, it can arise in any aspect of life.

Of course employers are often most concerned with work performance and employees need income. Burnout robs people of their ability to be productive at work, at home, and in their relationships.

However, there is hope!

What I went through was terrible and I want to help others escape this hell or, better yet, keep them from going there in the first place.

If you want to help yourself or your employees recover from and prevent burnout, then I can help.

I offer burnout workshops (click here) and individual coaching (click here).

You can learn more about me (click here) and also learn more about my other training and consulting work at lavalmartinconsulting.com

I look forward to working with you.


Peace and Wellness,

Laval Martin, MSW